Oscars 2018 Special – IP 113

Inside Pop’s annual Oscars wrap up is here! Listen to get our take on the fashion, the snubs, the rightful victories, the highlights and the awkward moments. We’ll rate Jimmy Kimmel’s performance as host and also discuss our favorite musical performances of the night.

Who was the presenter that left Sean speechless? Which acceptance speech made Amita stand-up and cheer? Listen to this special Oscars episode to find out!

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Oscars 2017 Recap, Get Out, Sampha – IP 65

Dozens of hours spent in the dark have all lead to TONIGHT. Listen to hear our immediate reaction to Hollywood’s Biggest Night as we help you figure out WTF happened during the last minutes of the show!!! Bonnie & Clyde give La La Land the award for Best Picture (no surprise to anyone) but then a producer for La La Land declares that Moonlight is the actual winner. Huh? Are you confused? Elated? Concerned for Faye Dunaway? So are we! Listen to hear us make sense of it all! Plus red carpet moments, rating Jimmy Kimmel as host, and declaring the winner of our Long Distance Popcast VS Inside Pop Oscar Ballot  – we’ll give you our unique perspective on the 89th Annual Academy Awards.

Plus – we review the new must see, must talk about, must tell everyone how much you love it movie of the moment – Jordan Peele’s Get Out! But – does the film live up to the hype? One of us thinks – mmmm, maybe not?

And The Big Sell returns after a week off. Amita rates and reviews Sampha’s new album, Process. And in an unprecedented move, Sean also rates his own Big Sell.